
The ImPact regularly publishes primers, case studies, and guides to impact investing best practices. We also continuously create new member-only tools and resources that families can use to advance in their own impact investing journeys.

Our Theory of Change

The ImPact Theory of Change

Families play a unique role in the emerging impact investing market. Families are stewards of wealth; they think and act on behalf of future generations… The ImPact exists to help member families realize their full potential as impact investors, ecosystem builders, and market influencers.

Frameworks for Families

Understanding Impact Investing for Families. A framework for families by The ImPact.Investimento de Impacto. Frameworks para famílias. The ImPact.Inversión de Impacto. Macro para famílias. The ImPact.Impact Investing for Family Foundations. A framework for families by The ImPact.

Case Studies

Solving Problems through Capital Markets. Jim Sorensen case study by The ImPact.Mission-Aligned Investing. Rockefeller Brothers Fund case study by The ImPact.


Early Stage Investments. A primer by The ImPact.Private Equity. A primer by The ImPact.Public Equity. A primer by The ImPact.Real Assets. A primer by The ImPact.Fixed Income. A primer by The ImPact.


Gender Lens Investing. A report by The ImPact.Impacting Investing in Water. A report by The ImPact.Mapping Families' Impact Investing in 2019. A report by The ImPact.Mapping Families' Impact Investing in 2019. A report by The ImPact.Navigating Impact Investing In Brazil. A report by The ImPactInvestimento de Impacto no Brasil. Relatórios. The ImPact.Cross-Border Impact Investments. A report by The ImPact.

From Our Members

More Resources

Impact Investing by Rockefeller Philanthropy AdvisorsFrontier Capital by Omidyar NetworkBuilding an Impact Investing Team by by Omidyar Network